

Where do you do Lay Culse Testing?

We have inhouse lab, however if client prefers he may do it @ 3rd party lab at his cost

What is the concrete you use during production?

We are flexible with all mixed designs ranging from c - 35 to c - 50

Do you add admixtures?

We generally dont add cuviy compounds, but we are flexible to use if specified by consultat the use of special chemicals, GGBS etc to the concrete

What type of cuviy you do?

We have inhose curny chembers to setam cure @ 450c, a Hernatively we do water curing with Heisan cloth

What is the capacity of manufacturing?

We can produc in single shift

  • Slabs 200m2 / day
  • Walls 1000m2 / day
  • Stairs 15m3 / day
What is your mode of Delivery?

We generally supply ex factory, However we can arrange Hired Trailors to transport to sile at additional casts

Do you have an in-house Laboratory?

Yes, we have our in-house Lab where we do strength tests on concrete, aggregate sieve analysis, testing of water, batch quality control etc

Do you have an In-house engineering team?

Yes, we do full structural calculation of Super structure and we’re using the most common software which is accepted by all municipalities, such as ETABS, SAFE, MATHCAD, EXCEL and with manual verification calculation. Structural code may vary as per the requirements of the municipality.

What is the best U-Value achieved?

U-value matters for the thickness and insulation we used but, in most cases, we are giving 0.369 and 0.31 thermal transmittance with the thickness of insulation 80mm and 100mm respectively. Generally, we comply with requirement of the client and municipality.

What is the highest building structure achieved using Emfil System?

Emfil product was design purely as reinforced concrete, so whatever conventional concrete structure design works can achieve, we can do the same.

What is the Grade of Concrete you use in the production of concrete?

Generally, it is C40/20 grade, we can prove any other grade as per project requirement.

How will the site concrete bond with filigree slabs and walls?

It is exactly the same how column, beam and slab bonded in a conventional construction. Emfil product like slab and wall the reinforcement or lattice girder are exposed to bond the ready-mix concrete on-site. We provide theoretical structural calculation how the ready-mix bond to our lattice girder with actual laboratory test as well for pull-force of the lattice girder.

Do you have branches in other GCC Countries?

We manufacture and supply from our RAK UAE plant to neighbouring GCC countries.

Are you approved by Municipalities?

Yes, we are approved in UAE municipalities, we get project-based approval from other GCC country projects.

Do you use admixtures in production?

Yes, we use high range super plasticizer in the concrete mix for high early strength.

Do you deliver to the project site?

Yes, we deliver on hired trailers in UAE and neighbouring GCC countries. The border charges and tolls are to be borne by the buyer.

What is your curing system and duration?

We do steam curing in winter and water curing in summer as per consultant’s requirement from 7 – 10 days.

What is the time taken from approval of the drawings to delivery of material?

Generally, the material procurement and mobilization time are 7-10 days.

What’s is your production time?

We produce 2000m2 of slabs or 1000m2 of double walls, 5 m3 of staircase in ideal conditions per day.

How does the contractor cut left-out openings on-site?

He may core cut small circular openings on-site before casting of concrete, however, any opening more than 60cm needs the addition of lost steel in the slab.

Is it ok to cut any opening after concrete casting in Emfil Walls or Slabs?

After casting, you may consider the Emfil system as a normal structure. Therefore, any modification to the same will be at the contractor’s risk.

What is the size of trailers required for road transportation?

Generally, we stack slabs horizontally on a 12 to 15 m trailer with a 2.5 m width. Emfil walls need a special low bed trailer for vertical stacking and lifting on site.

What are the maximum double wall and slab thicknesses available?

The Emfil double walls are load-bearing by nature, the thickness of walls ranges from 100mm to 400mm maximum and Emfil slab thickness varies from 50mm to 70mm.